Max Turull Rubinat

Doctor en Història

Nom i cognoms: Max Turull Rubinat

Categoria i afiliació: Professor Titular, Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona

Dades de contacte: / Avinguda Diagonal, 684, 08034 - Barcelona


Cervera (1960). He is a professor of History of Law and Institutions at the University of Barcelona (UB) and a teaching collaborator at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). He has worked with research groups and projects of History of Law and, in parallel, with those from the IMF-CSIC focusing on medieval finances and taxation. Most of his research work is about the study of the legal configuration of the medieval municipality in Catalonia. More specifically, about the medieval origins of the municipality, focusing on the “universitas” or juridical personification of the body of neighbors (12th – 13th centuries); secondly, the municipal organization during the Late Middle Ages (13th – 15th centuries), particularly the organization, attributions and operation of the municipal council; thirdly, he has investigated in a particular and specific way the finance and taxation; fourthly, he has studied how did the Roman and canonical law (ius commune) produced in Europe from the 13th century onwards influence the definition and organization of the medieval municipality, and lastly the author has edited some medieval normative sources linked to the municipal field. 

Publicacions més rellevants:

- (amb Vicenç Aguado Cudolà) « "Per a'esquivar tota sospita i engany": les regles essencials per a la formació de la voluntat de la universitas i el procediment d'adopció d'acords dels consells municipals a Catalunya a través dels llibres d'actes (Cervera, 1332-1333) », Revista de Dret Històric Català, 16 (2017), p. 201-252

- La descoberta del dret romà a l'Occident medieval (The Discovery of Roman Law in the Medieval West), Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2014

- « La prise de décision dans les conseils municipaux (Catalogne, 1332) », en Le gouvernement des communautés politiques à la fin du Moyen Âge. Entre puissance et négociation: Villes, Finances, État, Éditions Pantheon-Assas, Paris, 2010

- El gobierno de la ciudad medieval. Administración y finanzas en las ciudades medievales catalanas, CSIC, Madrid, 2009

- (con Jordi Morelló) « Estructura y tipología de las "estimes-manifests" en Cataluña (ss. XIV-XV)», Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 35/1 (2005), p. 271-326



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