Íñigo Mugueta Moreno

Íñigo Mugueta Moreno

Doctor in History

Name: Íñigo Mugueta Moreno

Category and institution: Profesor Contratado Doctor (Universidad Pública de Navara)

Contact details:

Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y de la Educación
Edificio de los Acebos
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Campus Arrosadía – C.P. 31006 Pamplona

Short CV:

Íñigo Mugueta is a Lecturer at the Department of Geography and History of the Public University of Navarre since the year 2008, where he works on two fundamental lines of research: on one hand, he conducts research relative to Medieval Economic History, with a special interest in aspects concerning the iron and steel industry, trade, and taxation. These research topics are part of those of the Excellence Research Group José María Lacarra of the Public University of Navarre, the interuniversity research network Arca Comunis, and the editorial board of the Glosario de Fiscalidad Medieval, directed by Professors Denis Menjot, from the University of Lyon, and Pere Verdés, from the CSIC at Barcelona.

On the other hand, he conducts another line of research connected to his teaching tasks at the Public University of Navarre, as part of the Teaching bachelor's degrees and his membership of the area of Didactics of Social Sciences, about The Social Representations of History in the Digital Society. In this field, during the last years he has taken part in the research project History and Videogames. The Impact of the New Media of Entertainment on the Medieval Past (I and II), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and directed from the University of Murcia by Professor Juan Francisco Jiménez Alcázar (www.historiayvideojuegos.com). Moreover, he is part of the research group TEG.2.0 of the National University Mar del Plata. Along these lines, since this year he organises the School Summer Campus 'History and Videogames' at the Public University of Navarre, for secondary education students.


Selected bibliography:

- « La Historia de los gamers: Representaciones del Medievo y la Antigüedad en los videojuegos de estrategia multijugador », RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, 2/I, 2018, p. 15-42

- « Mercados locales e industrias rurales en Navarra (1280-1430) », in G. Navarro, C. Villanueva (coords.), Industrias y mercados rurales en los reinos hispánicos (siglos XIII-XV), Sociedad de Estudios Medievales, Múrcia, 2017, p. 145-174

- « Les territoires des la sidérurgie médiévale au Pays Basque et en Navarre », in J. M. Monovez, C. Verna, L. Hilaire-Pérez (dirs.), Les industries rurales dans l'Europe médiévale et moderne, Flaran, 33 (2013), p. 63-76

- « La gestión de la imposición en Navarra: tesoreros y arrendatarios (1431-1459) », in E. García Fernández, I. Vitores Casado (eds.), Tesoreros, arrendadores y financieros en los reinos hispánicos: la Corona de Castilla y el Reino de Navarra (siglos XV-XVIII), Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid, 2012, p. 51-63 

- « La botiga del hierro. Fiscalidad y producción industrial en Navarra (1362-1404) », Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 38/2 (2008), p. 533-584

- El dinero de los Evreux: hacienda y fiscalidad en el reino de Navarra (1328-1349), Gobierno de Navarra, Pamplona, 2008




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