Eduard Juncosa

Doctor in History

Name: Eduard Juncosa Bonet

Category and institution: Profesor ayudante

Contact details: Dpto. Historia de América y Medieval y Ciencias Historiográficas – Facultad de Geografía e Historia – Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Short CV:

BA with Honours in History with an extraordinary award by the University of Barcelona (2003), BA with Honours in Political Science and Public Administration with an extraordinary and national award by the Complutense University of Madrid (2008) and Doctor in Medieval History awarded by the same university (2014, with extraordinary award and European mention). He has been Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medieval History at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2008. His main lines of research focus on the relationship between ecclesiastical and secular powers, political theories and forms, representative institutions, rituals and ceremonies, the portrayal of power… in the context of the Crown of Aragon during the Late Middle Ages. He has developed all of the above-mentioned theme areas within the framework of several research projects and work on a national and European level. Findings stemming from his research have been conveyed through articles in specialised journals and chapters in collective works, as well as through his deliveries in congresses and national and international seminars.

Selected bibliography:

- «El arte como medio de expresión del conflicto político. El tapiz de las Potestades o de la Buena Vida», in José Manuel Nieto Soria y Óscar Villarroel González (coords.), Comunicación y conflicto en la cultura política peninsular (siglos XIII-XV), Sílex, Madrid, 2018, p. 421-456.

- «Del obrador al Consell. La actividad política de menestrales y artistas en las ciudades catalanas bajomedievales», in Jesús Ángel Solórzano Telechea y Arnaldo Sousa Melo (eds.), Trabajar en la ciudad medieval europea, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, Logroño, 2018, p. 315-348.

- «De Eiximenis a Guicciardini. Reflexiones en torno a la ciudad desde dos orillas del Mediterráneo», in Alice Carette et alii (dirs.), Italie et Espagne entre Empire, cités et États. Constructions d’histoires communes (xve-xvie siècles), Viella, Roma, 2017, p. 271-285.

- Estructura y dinámicas de poder en el señorío de Tarragona. Creación y evolución de un dominio compartido (ca. 1118-1462), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Institució Milà i Fontanals, Barcelona, 2015.

- “Muyren los traydors! La lucha de bandos en la Tarragona medieval”, Hispania. Revista española de Historia, LXXV (2015), pp. 441-466.

- «Pensar el pacto en la Corona de Aragón: Francesc Eiximenis y el Dotzè del Crestià», in François Foronda (dir.), Avant le contrat social. Le contrat politique dans l’Occident médiéval (xiiie-xve siècle), Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2011, p. 451-480.




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