Lluís Sales Favà

Doctor in History

Name: Lluís Sales Favà

Category and institution: Associate Researcher at King's College London

Contact details: lluis.sales_fava@kcl.ac.uk / sales.fava.lluis@gmail.com. King's College London. 8.05 Strand Building, The Strand. London (UK)

Short CV:

He obtained his PhD in History at the Universitat de Girona (2019), and currently works as an associate research at King's College London for a Project on production, commerce and consumption of honey and wax in late medieval Europe that is funded by the Leverhulme Trust. He has specialized himself on the study of private credit and nonpayment in rural contexts during the Medieval period. He has worked with unpublished documents issued by the local jurisdictional civil courts in order to describe the mechanisms through which default was pursued (and thus upheld the credit market). In different publications he has underpined the capacity of serf peasantry in Catalonia to get involved in actions in court in defense of their own economical interests. He has also focused on other aspects of the standards of living of peasants, specially on commercial livestock breeding, and the trade of commodities in small towns in Northeastern Catalonia.

Selected bibliography:

- "The production and trade of wax in north-eastern Iberia, XIV - XVI c. The case of Catalonia. New approaches to the archeology of beekeeping" (in press). Archaeopress, 2021.

- "El Consell de Cent de Barcelona, una senyoria feudal en el territori. El cas de la vila de Sabadell (s.XV)". Arraona. 38, 2020, pp. 64.

- "La jurisdicció a Sabadell a la baixa edat mitjana. Estudi i edició d’un llibre de la cort del batlle, 1401-1404", Biblioteca d’Història Rural de la Universitat de Girona, Girona, 2019.

- (amb Xavier Marcó Masferrer) "Crèdit i estratègies comercials a les corts jurisdiccionals d'abast local", en  Pere Orti Gost i Pere Verdés Pijuan (eds.), El sistema financiero a finales de la Edad Media: instrumentos y métodos, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, València, 2020, pp. 283-314.

- "Masos i renda feudal en una baronia jurisdiccional. El cas de Caldes de Malavella al segle XIV", en Jordi Morelló Baget, Pere Orti Gost y Pere Verdés Pijuan (eds.), Renda feudal i fiscalitat a la Catalunya baixmedieval: estudis dedicats a Manuel Sánchez Martínez, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Institución Milà i Fontanals, Barcelona, 2018, pp. 647-682.






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