Manuel Sánchez Martínez

Doctor in History

Name: Manuel Sánchez Martínez

Category and institution: Professor d'investigació jubilat de la Institució Milà i Fontanals - CSIC

Contact details:

Short CV:

BA in Arts (section of History) by the University of Granada (1969) and doctor with the same speciality by the University of Barcelona in 1974. Lecturer at the University of Barcelona (Department of Medieval History) between 1970 and 1986. Researcher (Científico titular) at the Institució Milà i Fontanals (Spanish National Research Council) since 1986; then Investigador Científico and, finally, Profesor de Investigación of the same institution. Specialist in taxation and public finances in Late Medieval Catalonia, he has led seven research projects (1989-2009) funded by the Spanish Government and he has benefited from grants by the Government of Catalonia for five research projects, and, between 1998 and 2005, he led a research group recognized by several research plans of the Government of Catalonia. On the other hand, he has been the Spanish coordinator of five research projects co-funded by the Spanish Government and the French CNRS.

Selected bibliography:

- « Las relaciones fiscales entre la Monarquía y las ciudades catalanas. De la coronación al jubileo de Pedro el Ceremonioso (1336-1386) », in Ramon Grau (coord.), Ciutat, monarquia i formacions estatals, segles XIII-XVIII, Barcelona. Quaderns d'Història, 23, 2016, p. 51-79.

- (editor) La deuda pública en la Cataluña medieval, CSIC, Barcelona, 2009

- « Defensar lo principat de Cathalunya” pendant la seconde moitié du  XIV siècle: du service militaire à l’impôt », in D. Menjot, A. Rigaudière, M. Sánchez (coords.), L’impôt dans les villes de l’Occident méditerranéen (XIIIe-XVe siècle), Comité pour l’histoire fiscale et financière de la France (Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Industrie), Paris, 2005, p. 83-122 

- Pagar al rey en la Corona de Aragón durante el s. XIV, Institución Milá y Fontanals, CSIC, Barcelona, 2003

-  (with Pere Orti Gost, edition and preliminary study), Corts, Parlaments i fiscalitat a Catalunya: els capítols del donatiu (1288-1384), Conselleria de Justícia, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1997

- El naixement de la fiscalitat d’Estat a Catalunya (segles XII-XIV), Eumo, Universitat de Girona- Estudis Universitaris de Vic, 1995


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