Pere Verdés Pijuan

Doctor in History

Name: Pere Verdés Pijuan

Category and institution: Científico Titular. Departamento de Ciencias Históricas: Estudios Medievales, Institución Milà i Fontanals, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Contact details:; Departamento de Ciencias Históricas: Estudios Medievales, Institución Milà i Fontanals, CSIC, C/Egipcíaques, 15 - 08001- Barcelona

Short CV:

PhD in Geography and History (Medieval History) from the University of Barcelona, he has been a tenured scientist at the CSIC’s Institución Milà i Fontanals since 2005 and he is currently in charge of the line of research "Taxation and Public Finances in the Crown of Aragon (13th-15th Centuries)". This line was created in 1989 by M. Sánchez, and since 2008 its research has been carried out in the framework of the successive R+D projects directed by P. Verdés. With regard to his research subjects, to date he has concentrated fundamentally on the study of the origins, the structure and the evolution of the municipal tax office in Catalonia during the Middle Ages. In relation to this subject, he has also studied the origin of public debt, the making of the fiscal discourse and the construction of political identity in Catalan cities from the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries. Mention should be made of his particular interest in the processes of urban fortification and the trade saffron in Catalonia in the late Middle Ages. Lastly, among other things, one must remember that P. Verdés directs the Critical Glossary of Medieval Taxation, together with D. Menjot, and he belongs to the management committee of the thematic research network “Arca Comunis”, dedicated to the study of taxation in the Hispanic kingdoms since the thirteenth century.

Selected bibliography:

- «“Atès que la utilitat de la universitat deu precehir lo singular": discurso fiscal e identidad política en Cervera durante el s. XV», Hispania LXXI/238 (2011), pp. 409-436.

- « “Car les talles són difícils de fer e pijors de exigir". A propósito del discurso fiscal en las ciudades catalanes durante la época bajomedieval», Studia Histórica. Historia Medieval 30 (2012), pp. 129-153.

- « La contribución eclesiástica a la fiscalidad municipal en Cataluña durante la época bajomedieval », en J. MORELLÓ (ed.), Financiar el reino terrenal. La contribución de la Iglesia a finales de la Edad Media (siglos XIII-XVI), CSIC, Barcelona, 2013, pp. 131-168.

- « Fiscalidad urbana y discurso franciscano en la Corona de Aragón (s. XIV-XV) », en M.C. Giannini (a cura di), Fiscalità e religione nell’Europa catòlica. Idee, linguaggi e pratiche (secoli XIV-XIX), Viella, Roma, 2015, pp. 71-110.

- « El mercado de la deuda pública en la Cataluña de los siglos XIV-XV », en Estados y mercados financieros en el Occidente cristiano (siglos XIII-XVI). Actas de la XLI Semana de Estudios Medievales de Estella (15-18 de julio de 2014), Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Cultura, Turismo y Relaciones Institucionales, Pamplona, 2015, pp. 243-271.

- (with Pere Orti Gost), « The crisis of public finances in the cities of late medieval Catalonia (1350-1500) », en XLVII Settimana di Studi. Le crisi finanziari: gestione, implicazioni sociali e conseguenze nell’età preindustriale (Prato, 10-13 maggio 2015), Florencia, Firenze University Press, 2016, pp. 119-221.


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