Esther Tello Hernández

Doctor in History

Name:  Esther Tello Hernández

Category and institution: Postdoctoral researcher Juan de la Cierva Incorporación. Department of Medieval Studies. Institution Milá y Fontanals of Humanities Research (IMF, CSIC. Barcelona.

Datos de contacto: 15 de les Egipcíaques St. 08001. Barcelona.


Esther Tello has achieved a PhD in Medieval History at the University of Zaragoza (2017). She has worked as a pre-doctoral researcher at the Institución Milà i Fontanals of Barcelona, belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (2012-2016). As a postdoctoral researcher, I have been a contract researcher at the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma (EEHAR-CSIC) between 2018 and 2019. Between 2019 and 2022 I have been a Juan de la Cierva Formación researcher, first, and an Apostd de la Generalitat Valenciana researcher, later, in the Department of Medieval History at the University of Valencia. I currently enjoy a Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion position at the Department of Medieval Studies of the IMF-CSIC.

Her lines of research are focused on the study of the ecclesiastical contribution to the demands of the monarchy in the Crown of Aragon and in the papacy, within the framework of the configuration of the royal and papal treasury during the late Middle Ages. For the purpose of implementing this research, she has been working many hours in both the Archives of the Crown of Aragon and the Vatican Secret Archives. Furthermore, she has experienced several funded stays abroad (2012, 2014, 2015 and 2017). As a result, she has obtained other grants and complementary research fellowships, she has published a monograph, several book chapters and journal articles and she has participated in numerous national and international seminars and congresses.

Selected bibliography:

- 2021. “Quia non ascendit suma: la riqueza del clero de la ciudad de Zaragoza durante la Baja Edad Media (1272-1456)”, Hispania. Revista de Historia 81 (267): pp. 11-43. ISSN: 0018-2141.

- 2021. “La trayectoria de los oficiales de la hacienda regia en la Corona de Aragón: el maestre racional, el tesorero y el escribano de ración durante el siglo XIV”, en F. Cañas (ed.), La Corona y sus servidores: individualidades, instituciones y estructuras curiales en la Baja Edad Media. Sevilla: Prensas Universitarias de Sevilla, pp. 499-526. ISBN: 978-84-472-3082-2.

- 2020. Pro defensione regni: Iglesia, monarquía y fiscalidad durante el reinado de Pedro IV (1349-1387). Madrid: CSIC. 640 pp. ISBN: 978-84-00-10709-3.

- 2020. “Nichil solvit: Norma e pratica nella contribuzione ecclesiastica alla monarchia nella Corona d’Aragona durante papato d’Avignone e lo Scisma (1309-1418)”, Mélanges de l'École française de Rome 132/2: 439-452. ISBN 978-2-7283-1463-8.

- 2020. “Auditing of accounts as an instrument of royal power in fourteenth-century Catalonia”, en Accounts and accountability in late-medieval Europe: records, procedures, and socio-political impact. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 93-113. ISBN: 978-2-503-58853-7.

- 2020. “Entre diplomacia y fiscalidad: el pago del censo de Cerdeña al papa durante el siglo XIV”, en C. Villanueva (ed.), Diplomacia y desarrollo del Estado en la Corona de Aragón (siglos XIV-XV). Gijón: ed. Trea, pp. 91-108. ISBN 978-84-18105-14-2.

- 2019 (junto con P. Martín-Esperanza). Promoción y patronato regio. Relaciones Papado-Península Ibérica (siglos XIV-XVI). e-Humanista. Journal of Iberian Studies 43. ISSN: 1540 5877.




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